"Greetings from Germany", writes Karoline, "I collect pictures from funny animal pairs too. Here's my one image from a frog, that rescues a mouse from high water."
UPDATE: Hello Digg! Slashdot FTW! Only joking, lovely to see you all here.
Touching photos of unusual animal friendships.
1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»cool,
Gross...but kinda cute ;)
Nice blog
I love your blog!
Congrats, I found your blog by Spluch! Fantastic images, id you guys thinked about making a Flickr group?
Undoubtedly adorable!
Beautiful. Animals can teach us so much.
Beautiful. We could learn so much, if only we see everyone and evrything for what is truly there.
There is actually an ancient greek comical epic named 'βατραχομυομαχια', attributed to Homer by some.
In this epic, a frog carries the prince of the mice accross a river. Mid-way a snake attacks them and the frog leaves the mouse to drown to save his own life, thus starting a war between mice and frogs!
I cant help but thinking of that...
I'm serious.
Thank you.
good one..:)
Do you think a mouse can love an elephant? Well, it's true! Check it out here....
u see this article today about the orphaned orangutans and tigers?
very cool
This is the first time I've been to your site. These are delightful! I'd love to know the stories behind them.
suppose human being like that :)
One of the best pics I've seen for a long time
Great blog
Nice! but by the way that is not a frog it is a toad.
This is not a frog it is a toad. Picture taken from national geographic. 10 seconds after the picture was taken the toad ate the mouse.
Probably never see that again. Very nice photo.
thank you so much for sharing your sweet site, i love critters...you ROCK. Thank you...!! signed with a big smooch and a hug! try me at www.cebelina.blogspot.com
i agree "let's be friends"
Hi ya! Did u know that u got an article on this Italian newspaper web site? http://www.repubblica.it/
Cool!! Really... I'm gonna put a link on my blog if u don't mind ;)
neat pic if only i liked rodents lol
nice and cute one... fine i came here thro' google search and this page listed in google on 3rd page
for "cute animal"
one more page
cute animal
Hi noob here just wanted to let the owner know that I think you got a great looking site and glad I found it thanks jeffrey aka littledog91560
This pic reminds me of the story of the Gingerbread man who hitched a ride with the fox. On the other side of the pond, the fox ate the gingerbread man. If that mouse isn't lightening fast, that toad is going to do the same thing! That is a bufo melonastictus (Asian Gold Toad) and we have a pet one named Melonie, who would make a fast meal of that hitch hiker!
- Kisco Jones of www.toadilytoads.com
cute pic. Like it
ugh i hate frogs,
but this one is an exception <3
I love this blog...Soo many unreal photos...Even the mouse and frog!
Aw, what an adorable website I must link to it!
Heehee, how will the mouse get down?
that's nice, there is hope for the world after all
I absolutely LOVE these photos and wholeheartedly agree - if they can do it so can we! :)
Thank you for posting these fabulous photos, my dear.
That's a toad, right? Not a frog...
haha where do you get this stuff? cute. check out my blog.
Truly inspiring photos.. I've added your blog to the 'friends' folder in my RSS reader! ;)
Very Cute!
Hey. this is a neat site! I love the photos :)
Very cute
Awesome picture. Super cute.
Congratulations on becoming a blog of note. Well deserved. I love your photos and I have bookmarked your site.
What a cool website you have going on here!
hey, I'm browsing around and I found this blog! it caught my eye, since the title of it is "lets be friends" and my blog title is another language of the same phrase. so...
atra nosu waíse fricai!
cute frog, by the way. =)
i thought this blog a very interesting one! congratulations for this good job! i love this. this is a great lesson for us: we have more to learn from animal than they have to learn with us. sometimes i think knowledge is nothing.
Excellent blog - these pictures are fantastic!
I think this one's my favourite - new desktop methinks!
How sweet! Lovely idea for a blog. ;o}
aww absolutely love your blog. Very cute. A couple pics down I noticed you the one of your cat and turtle. My cat looks exactly like that, down to the blue collar and everything! =D
It's a very lovely blog !!!
Realy great pictures !!!
Greetings from Uruguay !!!
KEY xxx ^_^
How absolutely cute your blog is!
I love your blog!!! they are all sooo cute!
nice pictures!
I just found this blog - the photo's are too cute! Fantastic idea for a blog, well done!
Wow those are way too cute
sweet , they are best buddies.
so cute wow this is great so beauty ........thank u.
wow so kinda and cute thank ufor this photo nice plog .
The frog is thinking:
"scratch a little lower to the right."
What a cute picture.
Ah, that's just so cute!
This one's really unique!
This blog is truly deserving of blogs of note!
Very innovative blog.
And really cute pictures...
Keep it up!!!
Friends For Life Time
It is very cute. Where you take from?
It is so cute!
Yes, if THEY can - why can't we too be friends? Awesome pictures!
its the environment, how clear the water is, how clean the places shown are, ........ in a different environment (say dirty and unkempt), the animal behaviour would probably be different.
Nice blog - lovely pictures.
it's not gross, it's beautiful
thats cool is it real?
wunderschoen ;)
Nice pics pal.... check out my blog too... plz comment...
url is:http://oceanofinformation.blogspot.com
Yup. Us humans should take a leaf from their (the animal's) book. Having lived in a war zone, I know what hatred is all about and can do... so this is refreshing.
fun )
Like a crocodile and a bird.
Interesting blog
Awww.....Nice pics....
We need more positive energy out there!
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The collection of pictures ,the variety,and the quality of all is amazing.It must have taken alot of effort on your part to collect such pix.keep it up.waiting for some more!
This is adorable! I stumbled across your blog via my blogger dashboard page...it's really cute!
cool pictures man....nice blog
Aww so cute! This blog has really made my day. :)
I am wondering where the mouse went as the water kept rising. I guess that's on another blog :-)
@ all the pics
very cute=]
i like you blog=]
I think mice are the most disgusting creatures on the face of the planet. Having said that, this photo is surprisingly CUTE! :)
Thats just..Weird...
But cool, I like it.
very cute!
GREAT blog!
Nice blog. I know some animal lovers who are going to love this.
That is very cute. I love frogs and have had a lot of pet rodents.
pleas can you put this on your page:
the picture is soooooo cute!!!
Hey thought ur blog was sooo cool so I thought I just had to share this rad link with u. check it out.
How cute. Thanks for brightening my day :)
nice blog, sooo cute!!!
Remarkable. Blogging put to such an amazing use. I am touched.
As A Photographer I gotta say thats a grat pic
That is so adaorable!!! Im not a fan of mice or frogs but I ♥ this pic. so cute!!! ♥ your blog
Wow, it's amazing....how do u manage to get so many such pictures??
yeah that is a bit gross. good stuff though!
I'd like to go through and comment on every picture here, but I won't!
This is a nice collection of "mismatched" animal photo's. They're very cute but perhaps they also have an important lesson to offer people.
So cute,a friend in need is a friend indeed.
You've got very cute photos and the title of your blog is so appropriate! It feels really good to see at least the animals living so harmoniously. :) I've added a link to your blog on mine.
Great photo.
That is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
Sooo Cute.
......you have the right idea.....it's so easy.....why is it so hard for humans?
I like all your pictures! :D
Nice .... :)
hahaha cuuuute
I haven't seen a real live frog for ages. This pic is truly cool :}
hey that was amazing.
What a funny pic... but... cool!
It`s a toad. I think... :D
Nice pic..
I've just found this blog, it made me smile! Thanks :)
I love your photo's! So cute!
I think it is great capturing these unique photos of animals in friendship.
I enjoyed the photos, keep up the good work.
Wow!! Did you take this picture?
I love it! and your right! If they can ....why can't we? thanx rob smiling in friendship cg
omg so cute!! i have not seen anything like it before haha.. stupid of me,huh..
great shot!
terrific pics!
greetings from veracruz, méxico.
jazz bless you and bless the animals
Nice blog!!!Baybay!!!
The Photos are amusing.If you are interested in reducing the loading time of your page, try reducing the display to 1,2 or 3 posts per page.Regards.
Interesting..never thought I'd see these type of pictures, but they're really cool thanks.
I think this is great. if only we all could be like them!
I like pictures. Nice blog.
I like animals too.
Visit mein blog.
OMG, I love it! All the pics are great!
Very Cute. I think I saw this picture somewhere else but I can't remember where.
What a great blog! I saw you on Bloggers list of "We Noticed"...anyway, I live with a cat, 3 chihuahuas, and 2 cockateals. They all react to each other as they were just the same.
Thanks for a FUN visit to your site :-)
Eric "Speedcat Hollydale" Speedcat Hollydale Page ..my site.
loL! nice!
good luck!
I saw this one on CNN, it was during a flood. Love the site, this place is absolutely precious.
Oh your blog is tooo cute!!!!
your blog is sweet & sooo cute!
We all need help sometimes and sometimes it comes from sources we don't expect.
Really love
yeah its nice.. friends haa :D :D
very nice man , go head
i will be glad with your visit to my blog
walid ramadan
unique is the only way I can describe these pics.
lol..nice ones!realli cool!
c u around!
lotsa luv,alisha
Where do you get these images of these animals?
This is cool and funy! sometimes you can visit my blog!
very cute.
very cool.
If the frog jumps, is the mouse still its friend? :-)
Cool picture, though.
These pictures are adorable!
This is a really fun blog - I love the idea of it and the pictures -- please lets see lots more from you.
these are cute
Loved your blog...sooooo sweet!! keep your work, its wonderfull!
i love this pic, so funny :D
lolll nice pic
I love your blog
Great pic- tough to take good ones like these. Keep up the fun collection! You were in "Blogs of note" on the dashboard today, Congrats!
I love animals- had pet mice years ago, not revulsed by them (or other critters either) as some folks can be. Most of my bloggy-pics are kandscapes lately.
Will soon add your link onto my photo-essay blog because I like these pics-
Good luck!
its a nice blog...great pictures...enjoy life god bless
I like your blog!
That' a pretty cool pic!
Want a link exchange?
Link me in your Blog and drop a comment in any of the posts in my Blog
Have a nice time. Chao!
This niceblog,It can make us to enjoy...!!!
awesome! love ur blog alot.. ^_^
That picture is so sweet. What a kind hearted froggy :L)
fundoo. . .where did ya click this pic. . can't help laughing.. ;-)
Your blog is adorable. I think all those pics are great uplifting, so thank you, because right now I really need it.
Hmmm, how do we know the mouse isn't actually trying to drwon the frog?
just great!!!
I only have photos of my dog and cat...normal stuff.:)
I love animals and I'm glad you thought about making a neat blog like this.
These pics are so cute. Some are just indescribable such as the mouse and snake. Oh my.
Very nice pictures :-)
I am think that this happen to are SMALL rock face. Am can knowing for the dust are small and also for the negative spacing near a cracks and also minutiare. Thanking you to reply also.
I just found this blog and i enjoy it alot. This is one of my favorite pictures
This might be my favorite, such an odd couple!
Hey, I saw similar to this in an another blog ,i think in http://greatwealth.blogspot.com
Hey, I saw similar to this in an another blog ,i think in http://greatwealth.blogspot.com
Well if it isn't Edward, Hoppy and Joe!
That is very very cool. I like it. You've got some good stuff in here.
Cute but very odd!
I love this blog it's very cute. This photo is gorgeous and very unusual.
A lot of cute pictures on your blog :-)
Great blog, if you dont mind I would like to post your blog on my blog?
Oh my gosh!!
Haha:) World is full of wonders!
the mouse is sweet..the frog is not-so-cute:))
Great pictures!!
What a lot of friends!! Seem to be so easy.. :-)
haha thats cool
good blog
What a cool blog! Awesome photography!
Check out Renegade's BS
it's adorable
i would like to be your friend do you have any advice for me
i just sarted this blog of mine
These photos show us the friendship of different animals.They can do that,but why the human always fight.
for some reason i really like your blog title. not sure why. just seems so....happy. :) and i love frogs.
no its not gross. i like frogs. i even watch frogs on webcam on some science blog. i wonder where will that frog bring the rat. haha :D
Make Money from Home
This blog is so sweet!! Thanks so much for compiling these photos. They're wonderful. I hope that you will continue, and look forward to checking back. Yay!
hey...nice one! but,will this happen in real?
Really, if animals can be friends, humans can do it. We are able to reason, to solve problems but the history of mankind also showed the face of disaster and catastrophe. I hope and I believe in a better world for us and for our children.
Very cute Blog, toucing.
Great blog.
I love this shot! I've had this (or very similar) pinned up at work for mohths... it always makes me smile!
Pretty cute. Did you get these pics from cute overload?
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